Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dark and dreary night for soccer

It seems this summer has been almost a write-off for weather, and it has been a tremendous challenge to get decent captures at soccer games. I ventured over to the high school with the Sigma 50-150mm as I knew I'd need the f/2.8 wide aperture on the zoom; I did not have the reach of my 70-300mm VR but the fast lens was the only way to make this work, at least on this night. The trick was to be a little closer to the action, it seemed to work out nicely - makes me wonder if the 70-200mm f/2.8 VR would be a better soccer lens for school games. (does anyone have a spare $2500 for this beast?)

I apologize for the inclusion of noise, I needed to use ISO 800 and slight crops, but the "toothiness" adds some ambiance to the images.

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